Greater Chattanooga Economic Outlook Luncheon
Annual Greater Chattanooga Economic Outlook Luncheon co-hosted with the Home Builders Association and the Greater Chattanooga Realtors. Guest speaker Robert Dietz, Ph.D.. Dr. Dietz is the Chief Economist and Senior Vice President for Economics and Housing Policy for NAHB. He will be sharing housing market analysis and providing economic forecasting.
Date and Time
Wednesday Dec 4, 2019
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM EST
Wednesday, December 4th
The Chattanoogan
1201 Broad Street
Chattanooga TN 37402
Tickets are available through Tuesday November 26th. You can register with either event host.Tickets sell out quickly and walk in registration is not available so reserve today.
Members of event host: $25
Non-Member $30 *register by calling 423.624.9992
Greater Chattanooga Realtor members can register by clicking here: Realtor